Posts tagged trishtalkz
Gallery Gallery on the Wall

Let's discuss a super-hot trend that is indeed trending and is a timeless design element. This is the best of both worlds. Today, we’re going to explore a new take on the timeless design of the gallery wall.

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What’s In and What’s Out in Interior Design

Home design trends seem to come and go like a revolving door. One day they’re in, and the next they’re out! Investing in design that is too specific or comes at the end of a trend, particularly when you may be hoping to sell or appeal to the masses, can be a costly error. I’ll be running down 6 design trends that are either outdated or phasing out. With each of these, I will provide a tip for a timeless design replacement that you won’t come to regret in the years to come.

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How to Split Hosta and Other Hardy Perennials Like a Boss

Perennials' inherent beauty is that they do not need to be re-planted each year because they live on a cycle. They have a callous root system and either die back or go dormant during certain times of the year. They come back year after year fuller and fuller. While some may love this fuller look, unfortunately, overcrowding leads to poor growth patterns as there is less space for the flowers and plants to grow adequately. That’s why splitting your perennials is recommended.

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