Posts tagged Interior Design
7 Things that Make Your Home Look Cheap

We’ve talked a lot about home design trends, creating the WOW factor, timeless design, and more! As you continue to make design choices to personalize and beautify your space, there may be an overwhelming urge to maintain some aspects you’ve always had, design on a budget, and/or cut corners where you can. However, this can lead to costly design mistakes. So, before you move ahead in your current design projects, let’s hit pause and discuss 7 décor items that cheapen the overall look of your home.

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2022 Interior Design Trends of the Year

Design trends are constantly evolving. While there are design elements that last the test of time, others are emerging (or returning!) to influence how we design and decorate our homes. In this post, we'll explore the 7 hottest trends in the world of Interior Design for 2022. From new colors to materials, to improving the mood and functionality of your spaces… we'll cover them all.

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How to Style Your Coffee Table: 6 Fantastic Tips

Your coffee table is one of the most visible focal points in your living room. Sometimes we forget about how much of an impact it can have on the overall décor. Together, we’ll explore six fantastic tips on how to make your existing coffee table beautiful. These suggestions will allow you to incorporate design choices that reflect your individuality, optimize functionality, showcase literature, and even trinkets that tug at the heartstrings.

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Top 5 Interior Design Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Take a look at this to help put an end to the most common interior design mistakes. Understanding the list will help you avoid a few costly mistakes and feel empowered to confidently make timeless design choices for your home. As you approach your next design project, don’t make the design choice that quickly outdates itself or as a seller, places your home at the bottom of a buyer’s list.

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