Welcome to Trishtalkz! In December 2019, propelled by passion and excitement for the future, I launched my YouTube Home & Garden channel to share with the world what I love most...design!  It has now morphed into a blog that also fuels my passion.  So much of who I am and my eye for design has been shaped by my mother, who learned to create beauty in her home on a ridiculously small budget. Professionally, I’ve devoted the past 18 years of my life to designing residential and commercial spaces. The irony? I’ve been so focused on my career, family, and educational endeavors, I rarely devoted time to creating the beauty and functionality in my own home that we deserved.

To reprioritize my aesthetic taste and create a tranquil home space, I partnered with my husband to update our interiors, so it truly felt like “us.” It’s been a labor of love and helped reignite my passion for residential interior design and gardening. It’s genuinely now my place of therapy and peace. I am a firm believer that our home is our sanctuary. It should allow us to leave work and the chaos of the outside world at the door.

In creating new spaces, I understand that everyone’s style is unique. My goal is not to have you mimic my design, but instead, inspire you to create a space that reflects you as an individual or family. If you are looking to create functional spaces with inexpensive design elements that evoke feelings of calm, personal wellbeing, and joy, you’ve landed in the right spot. So, let’s get started! What space does not offer you peace that you need to tackle today?