How To Winterize Your Yard | 10 Easy Steps!

Here are 10 things I do to winterize my yard before and after the first frost. Yes, I know a gardener's work is never done, but you've already spent a lot of time, energy, and money on your garden, so it's important to protect this special place. Think about incorporating these ten tips into your winterizing routine, so when Spring rolls around, everything is ready to go and grow!

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6 Proven Ways to Design a Beautiful, Productive Home Office Environment

Global Workplace Analytics estimates that approximately 3 in 10 workers will continue to telecommute through 2021. With this trend becoming the new normal here in the U.S. and abroad, it’s crucial to invest in making your home office work for you.

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How to Split Hosta and Other Hardy Perennials Like a Boss

Perennials' inherent beauty is that they do not need to be re-planted each year because they live on a cycle. They have a callous root system and either die back or go dormant during certain times of the year. They come back year after year fuller and fuller. While some may love this fuller look, unfortunately, overcrowding leads to poor growth patterns as there is less space for the flowers and plants to grow adequately. That’s why splitting your perennials is recommended.

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How to Get Monetized on YouTube . . . You Asked

It only took me three months to get monetized on YouTube! I have a YouTube channel called Trish Talkz. I posted my very first video in January 2020. By March 2020, I met the qualifications to monetize my channel. Yes, it only took me three months on YouTube to start getting paid! This article will dive into how I did it and some of the things I've learned along the way.

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