How to Get Monetized on YouTube . . . You Asked


It only took me three months to get monetized!

Most who read this article will already know what YouTube is. You may have watched hours of people cooking or old music videos from the 1980s. But guess what, YouTube is much more than just a place to watch videos; it is a place to start a business, teach others what you know, share your passions, and develop and grow your brand.

I have a YouTube channel called Trish Talkz. I posted my very first video in January 2020. By March 2020, I met the qualifications to monetize my channel. Yes, it only took me three months on YouTube to start getting paid! This article will dive into how I did it and some of the things I've learned from this experience.

A little history lesson first . . .  

YouTube is an American online video platform with headquarters in San Bruno, California. YouTube began when three PayPal employees wanted to strike out on their own. 

Since 2015, Google has owned YouTube, which is now the second largest search engine globally (behind Google). It is known for free video sharing. 

There are two types of people who use YouTube: viewers and creators. If you are a creator, the great news is that you can make money from your videos. 


If you are wondering how long it typically takes videos to get monetized, on average, it takes 12–18 months. Why? Because there are a couple of metrics creators must meet first before YouTube is willing to add ads to your videos. And the ads are how your video generates money.

YouTubers who seek out monetization of their videos must join the YouTube Partner Program (YPP). However, you cannot apply for the YPP until you qualify. With YPP, there are four requirements you must meet. The first requirement is 1,000 subscribers. The second is to have your videos reach 4,000 hours of watch time, which means people have watched your videos for 4,000 HOURS, not 4000 minutes, just saying. This timeframe also requires that the hours occur within the past 12 months. 

The other two requirements are for you to meet YPP's standard policies and guidelines and to have a Google AdSense account. However, this post is more about getting 1,000 subscribers and gaining 4,000 hours of watch time. Since these two qualifications are the longest to tap, let me help you find the best way to get there. 


One thing you may not realize is that some niches make more money on YouTube than others. The top five niches of 2020, according to ProTechVibes, are:

·         Vlogging

·         Cooking and recipes

·         Health and fitness

·         Reviews (for movies, books, music, pop culture items)

·         Gadgets and technology 

Note, when I got started, my channel was about weight loss and wellness. I had incorporated these benefits into my life that made me happy, and I wanted to share. Six months in, I pivoted to a home and garden channel. Although I wanted to share my weight loss journey, it was so personal it didn't resonate with the masses. When I started creating content about home décor and gardening, I saw steady engagement and growth. You see, those are things I’m passionate about.  I even do them for a living.

Notice how neither one of my niches are on the big money list above. That's ok because creating content around your passions will make it feel less like work. And you're more likely to stick with it.


Quality, please . . .

I created the following acronym for myself: Video, Sound, Quality Content (VSQC). I see it as the first essential ingredient to success on YouTube. High definition, well-lit videos with good sound and useful content are a must. I assure you without these you won't get views. And without views, you won't be able to build a following or possibly a career on YouTube. So, here's what you need to ask yourself at the start of each video:

  1. Does my video offer a solution to a problem?

  2. Does it provide value to the viewer?

  3. Will it hold the viewer's attention?

Since YouTube is the second largest search engine, know that people are looking to you for advice and answers to their questions. Since competition is stiff, what will make your content stand out among the rest?

Keep it short and sweet!

I'm guilty of creating videos that are longer than 15 minutes. When I checked my analytics, my viewers maybe watched half of that, if I was lucky. In the beginning, I suggest that you avoid posting long videos. Now, that advice is contrary to what YouTube wants or what other creators say. But, in my experience, if viewers don't know you, they don't want to hear about the details of your life. They want you to answer their question quickly. Harsh, I know, but true. Remember that a viewer's attention span is short, which means that a burst of information is better than a long drip. 

One downside to shorter videos is that it may take you longer to get your 4,000 watch hours in, but the upside is you may get to 1,000 subscribers faster. People will subscribe if your content is useful and of high quality. In this scenario, ask yourself these questions: 

  1. How do I "up" the pace and create more videos?

  2. How can I go viral?


I don't care what people tell you. Going viral is extremely difficult to do. With that said, I did create a video that went viral in my second month on YouTube!

Unbeknownst to me, I tapped into a trending topic, and the algorithm picked up my video and launched it into the stratosphere. Well, maybe not that far. It was still an eye-opening moment. I realized how creating a video around a trending topic can positively impact your channel. So much so that I had my 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours by the end of that month.

If you're going to take a crack at going viral, here's what I suggest you do. Find out what's trending in your niche, and make videos accordingly. Push out as many high-quality videos on that topic as fast as you can. Remember VSQC! Now, there is no guarantee that this will work, but it can't hurt to try. Also, remember trends are typically short-lived, so you have to act fast. 


Know your audience and do your research. The YouTube algorithm tracks how well your video does in its first two hours and, conversely, during the first 48 hours. If your video isn't performing well, the algorithm won't push it out to the masses.

What I'm saying to you is the day and time you launch your video matters. If your niche is morning routines, you may not want to launch your video in the afternoon. If your video is about decorating for Valentine's day, you may not want to launch it in the summertime. Your launch time can mean the difference between thousands of views or a few hundred.

Of course, there are tools to help you with this: 

  1. Check your YouTube Analytics. It will tell you when your typical audience is on the platform.

  2. Facebook Audience Insights

  3. Google Trends

  4. Alexa

  5. Most social media platforms have analytics. You can check those out too. 


Thumbnails are the little pictures on the side that tells your viewer at a glance what your video is about. They are small images that include a description just below them. Since YouTube's algorithm seeks to understand what your video is about, make sure to have keywords in your image title and your description. Which means:

  1. Produce a high-quality image.

  2. Add a big readable font that people can see even on their phones.

  3. Add a short, catchy title that includes keywords related to the video's content.

  4. People love up-close images of food and faces.

  5. Maintain brand consistency in all the videos you publish. Keep the logo or colors the same with each new video, so viewers know it's you when they are searching.


Determination and patience will be the keys to your success. Your first videos won't be great. Accept it; it's ok! Allow yourself 6–8 months to find your comfort zone. Assess your progress and stay the course, or pivot into another passion of yours. 

While the list above is a hearty one, there are other things you can do to have the algorithm look your way. I'll continue to share what I've learned about how YouTube works, so check back with me often. Being a YouTuber is hard work but hang in there. You'll appreciate the checks when they start rolling in.


Thanks for reading my blog. Please leave a comment! Also, please stop by my YouTube channel. Check out my viral video and see how I pivoted my niche from wellness to home and garden. See ya' next time!

Disclaimer: These opinions are my own. They are based on my personal experience. Everyone's experience is going to be different. Best of luck to you!